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YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-On

What the plugin does A tool to show your products’ brands, generate reliability and guarantee the quality of your products.
How you can benefit from it:
  • Create unlimited brands to assign to your products
  • Highlight the brands of the products you sell (through widgets or sliders, by ordering brands alphabetically, etc.)
  • Improve user experience by helping users easily filter and find products of specific brands
1 year of updates and support
30-Day money back guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee Buy confidently with our buyer protection and get a full refund for any reason. Read our refund policy >
This plugin is used by 9,049 customers, with a rating of 4.5/5 and a 97% customer satisfaction in support!
YITH WooCommerce Brands

Guarantee quality and ensure product recognition through brands

71% of users who buy online say that it is essential to them to recognize a brand before making a purchase. This is not so strange: brands are always a guarantee of quality, they assure product recognition in customers’ minds and generate an attitude of loyalty and retention that comes from established experience.

YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-on allows you to quickly implement a brand system into your shop: your customers will be attracted to your store by well-known brands and will be more motivated to buy what they find in it because they trust the brands you are selling.

Thanks to the widgets and shortcodes included in the plugin, you can show brands on the shop and product pages, show all brands in a sidebar, filter products by brand, and much more.

Create unlimited brands to assign to your products

The plugin allows you to easily create unlimited brands. For each brand, you can enter the name, customize the slug, and upload a custom image/logo. You can choose to show only the name, only the logo, or both on the product page and shop pages.

Unlimited brands
Taxonomy brands

Use taxonomies as brands

You can also convert a specific taxonomy of your shop, like a category, an attribute, or a tag, into a brand. So, for example, if you already created a “brands” attribute for the brands of your products, you can still use it and use shortcodes and widgets without any limit.

Use images or logos to easily identify your brands

Customers recognize visual logos better, even without a text especially if you sell products of popular brands. With our plugin, you can upload logos, customize their size and choose to show only the logo, without the textual brand name.

Brand images or logos
Badge page banner

Customize the brand page with a custom banner

Customize the brand archive page with a custom header image: in this way, you can create a “brand page” where users can easily find all the available products of a specific brand.

Choose where and how to show the brand

Show the brand on the shop and product pages, choose the position and customize the info to show. There are a lot of options to achieve the exact result you need.

Brand position
Sort by brand filter

Enable the “Sort by brand” option on the Shop page

With just one click, you can add the option “Sort by brand” to the default sorting dropdown shown on the Shop page. This way, your customers will be able to sort products by brand in alphabetical order.

A wide range of shortcodes and widgets to highlight brands

Highlight brands in a widget area (like a sidebar) using our widgets (select, list of brands, logo sliders, etc.), or use the shortcodes to create advanced filtering pages (brands by category, brands in alphabetical order, etc.). The plugin includes a wide range of tools for all needs.

Brand shortcodes and widgets
Custom promotions for brands - integration with YITH Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

Create discounts or promotions for specific brands (YITH Dynamic Pricing & Discounts is required)

With the integration between this plugin and our YITH Dynamic Pricing and Discounts, you can create advanced discount rules or promotions (end-of-season discounts, Black Friday sales, 3×2, 2×1, BOGO, etc.) only for products of specific brands.

1 year of updates, bug fixes and technical support

The official plugin license entitles you to one year of updates (and new features that will be added in future versions), error and bug fixes, and access to our technical support platform.

30-Day money back guarantee

Do you have any doubts about the plugin and don't know if it's a good fit for your project? You have nothing to worry about, you can always take advantage of our 100% money back guarantee and get a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

Free Vs Premium

Brands creation
Free Premium
Create unlimited brands
Set a name and a description for each brand
Upload a logo or an image for each brand
Set a default image to apply to brands without a logo
Upload a banner image to customize the brand archive page
Set a custom URL for each brand
Set up other product taxonomies available as “brands” (i.e. categories, tags, and attributes)
Manage brands hierarchically
Assign one or more brands to each product
Brands display
Free Premium
Show brands on the Shop page
Show brands on the product detail page
Choose brand position on the Shop and on the product detail page
Choose content to show on the Shop page (brand name, brand logo or both)
Set the brand logo size on the Shop page and on the product detail page
5 widgets to show a list of brands, brand logos, sliders, etc. in a widgetized area
9 shortcodes to highlight brands in different ways
Advanced options
Free Premium
Compatibility with Yoast SEO: the brand name can be dynamically inserted into the product "title"
Add the brand name to the product URL in a dynamic way
Add and/or exclude brands from usage restrictions for WooCommerce couponsnew
Compatibility with WooCommerce Importer/Exporter
During the brand import, also import the connections between brands and products, so they will be automatically associated
Integration with YITH WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter to show a “Filter by brand”
Integration with YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts to create offers, discount rules and promotions only for products of specific brands

Plugin integrations

All the products in our YITH catalog are developed on the same shared framework. This grants full compatibility among all our plugins and allows combining them together to get even more powerful results and more complete solutions.

We do our best to also include compatibility with the most popular WordPress and WooCommerce plugins available on the market.

You can use this plugin with*:

YITH Google Product Feed for WooCommerce

Thanks to YITH Google Product Feed for WooCommerce you can create the product feeds required by Google to show your products in the Shopping showcase.
You can generate the product feeds you need in few clicks and choose which attribute fields and products to include.

The integration with YITH Brands Add On allows you to export all associated brands to each product in the XML file information.
This way you won't need to manually set the brand in the Google Product Feed fields.

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter allows filtering the product list basing on their attributes or price. The filter is applied by Ajax, therefore without the need to refresh the page to show the search result.

Integration with YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-On adds the chance to filter products by brand.

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search

Using YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search you can add a search bar to your website, which will allow users to search via ajax for specific content in your website, searching through posts, pages, and products.

Thanks to the integration between these two plugins, you can boost the visibility of products of specific brands in search results and allow your users to search by brand.

YITH WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing

YITH WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing is the plugin that allows you to edit quickly one or more details for an unlimited number of products at the same time.
Integration between these two plugins allows you to assign the same brand to multiple products at the same time.

YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts is a plugin conceived to create advantageous purchase conditions for your users. After configuring the discount rules for your shop, the system will dynamically apply them if the required discount conditions are fulfilled.

This integration allows creating custom discount rules for all the products associated with a specific brand and offering advantageous benefits to the users willing to purchase them.

YITH WooCommerce Product Slider Carousel

YITH WooCommerce Product Slider allows you to show an unlimited number of products in an immediate and tidy way through sliders, without weighing your page down. You can choose the products to show depending on different selection criteria.

Thanks to the integration with YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-ons, you can also show product sliders by selected brands.

* All the plugins listed in this section are not included in YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-On. In order to take advantage of a specific integration, you need to purchase and activate the premium version of the related plugin.


Admin view

Shortcodes and blocks

Frontend pages

Reviews (98)

Customer reviews

Rated 4.49 out of 5 stars
98 reviews

Are you a customer? Submit your review

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  1. 5 out of 5

    rosarossi-3567 - verified customer

    Ottimo per la gestione dei Brands e per migliorare l'esperienze utenteLa visualizzazione dei brand è pulita e organizzata e conferisce al sito un aspetto più professionale. I filtri per i brand aiutano i clienti a trovare più velocemente i prodotti, migliorando sicuramente la loro esperienza di acquisto. Infine, la possibilità di aggiungere loghi personalizzati è un'opzione utile. Sulla base della mia esperienza, il supporto è stato eccellente per ogni dubbio che ho avuto.

  2. 5 out of 5

    serviciostiendasweb - verified customer

    Versatil y buenas integracionesEs muy versátil, agradezco que tenga tantas integraciones, lo uso con su AJAX Product Filter y funciona de maravilla

  3. 5 out of 5

    Finn Samuels - verified customer

    Good price considering how many great options it offersI bought it after seeing how many shortcode options it has! Having so many shortcode options makes the use of the plugin much more flexible, which is what I wanted

  4. 1 out of 5

    tecnico-4549 - verified customer

    PessimoUna valutazione minore non è possibile, ma sarebbe meritata.
    Nessuna risposta dell'assistenza per l'evidente malfunzionamento del plugin.
    E ci è già costato molte ore di lavoro. Chiedere il rimborso ora non ci ripagherebbe delle spese.

    A lower rating is not possible, but would be deserved.
    No response from support for the obvious malfunction of the plugin.
    And it has already cost us many hours of work. Asking for a refund now would not repay us for the expense.

    • Alessandra Giuliani

      ti ringraziamo per il feedback anche se ci coglie un po' di sorpresa. Purtroppo il tuo ticket ha perso la priorità nel momento in cui lo hai aggiornato ed è per questo motivo che informiamo i nostri clienti nella sezione da cui vengono inviate le richieste.

      Per quanto riguarda il problema, come confermato nella risposta degli sviluppatori, non era causato dal nostro plugin. Restiamo comunque in attesa di un tuo riscontro per qualsiasi ulteriore necessità tecnica.

  5. 5 out of 5

    contact1985 - verified customer

    GreatI especially like the brand carousel widget, the shop looks so much more professional now with the thumbnails and the widget


Here you can find some frequently asked questions about this plugin. If you can't find a reply to your doubts, ask a question: we will reply in a very short time
  • All
  • General
  • Import
  • Shortcode
  • Customization

Can I filter in Ajax by product category for a specific brand?

The plugin allows adding a specific taxonomy for brands that you can easily configure and manage. The additional feature to filter them in ajax can be easily implemented in combination with another plugin, YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter, which allows filtering your products by categories, tags, brands and much more!

Is there the possibility to import brands?

Yes, the plugin includes an "Import" tab in the plugin settings so you can import brands from a CSV file.

Is it possible to show the brand image with the link on the product page?

Yes, of course! It is possible to show the brand with the link and the logo as you can see on any product on the live demo here.

Can the brand thumbnail carousel be set to continuously loop through the brands?

Yes, you can configure the shortcode Brand Thumbnail Carousel using the 'loop' attribute.

Can I set a custom URL for brands?

Yes, you can insert a custom URL when creating the brand to redirect the brand page to any other URL.

Can I use another product taxonomy and its terms as a brand?

Yes, you can through the specific option that allows using any product taxonomy as a brand, and its terms will be shown by the plugin shortcodes and widgets.

Can I change the size of the brand logo?

Yes, you can do it by using the related options. Please note that you might need to regenerate thumbnails after changing the options in order for them to be applied.

I see inconsistencies in brands count; what can I do?

You can use the dedicated Tools tab to regenerate counters used by the plugin.

Can't find the answer?

Send us your question and we will reply very quick!

Send your question

Technical Info

  • Version: 2.30.0
  • Released: 2024-12-12
  • Minimum PHP version: 7.2
  • Requires: WordPress 6.5 and WooCommerce 9.3
  • Compatible up to: WordPress 6.7.x and WooCommerce 9.5.x
  • Supported multilanguage plugins: WPML, Loco Translate
  • Translation ready: YES
  • Languages 100% guaranteed by YITH: English, Italian, Spanish
  • Languages provided by users: Dutch (48%)
  • Support for: YITH Proteo theme. All YITH plugins.
  • Supported page builders: Gutenberg, Elementor, WP Bakery Visual Composer
  • GDPR Compliant: Not applicable
1 year of updates and support
30-Day money back guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee Buy confidently with our buyer protection and get a full refund for any reason. Read our refund policy >

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