Time has shown us that everything audiovisual is conquering our attention significantly more than any other format. In fact, it has been amazing to see how our video tutorials dedicated to guide our users in the plugin’s configurations are much more famous than our written documentation. All of this impact would not be measured, if we didn’t have Kevin Plasencia, our crew member this month.
Only three years ago, Kevin was presented with a challenge: working as a video editor for a web development company. Despite the challenge’s magnitude, he decided to go for it and he’s been doing a great job in YITH ever since. Of course, he recognizes the trust placed on his abilities made everything easier.
I knew it was a challenge to fit into a sector I had no knowledge of. But they have trusted me from the beginning, helping me to grow professionally and giving me the opportunity to be part of this great family.
This opportunity came with wonderful times and new friends.
It has been an incredible experience to be able to work in a company like YITH and it has also been a pleasure to work with my colleagues. Without a doubt, I will always remember all those meetings with the team, the trip to Italy and every moment working with them.
Kevin edits the videos we can find in YITH. But he is mindful of the event he enjoys the most: the WordCamps.
WordCamps are the kind of event I like to film and edit. The excitement and joy of these parties make the filming even more special.
But Kevin doesn’t just work at YITH; he also does freelance filming work for advertisements and music videos. Currently, he’s particularly proud of Ecociedad, a project about environmental and cultural awareness based in the Canary Islands.
I created this project to remind the importance of a good environmental education, using the influence of the artists of this paradise we named the Canary Islands.
His experience with Ecociedad, YITH and external projects has left him with a very important lesson:
One of the things I have learned is the importance of being constant and not giving up; in the end all work has its reward. The projects involve dedicating a lot of time, savings and some sacrifices, but it is worth it.
Kevin’s projects take place in Tenerife, the island where he was born and which he considers “one of the most magical places in the world for its environment, its people and its traditions”. The quality of his work is supreme considering he has been a professional for only 5 years! And although he loves editing, he has a different view regarding the activity he would like to do in a near future:
I’m sure that in a few years I’ll end up being a teacher as I’ve always wanted to teach all the knowledge I’ve gained over the years.
And slightly different plans in the long term:
I’d like to be a nomad and travel around the world, but I’d also like to set up an audiovisual company so I can hire and teach young people who are trying to be somebody in this very competitive job.
After dozens of projects, a lot of time spent, good and bad results, our video editor has a great piece of advice to give.
You have to believe in yourself because when you lose confidence it is difficult to regain it. You have to believe in what you do and try to reinvent yourself every day. Don’t let your fears overcome your will.
Besides, he only needs three things to be happy.
My family, my friends and my dog, no doubt. I’m not a material guy, I don’t need material things to be happy.
Finally, Kevin couldn’t have any other words about YITH than the following:
YITH to me is more than a company. It’s friends, it’s teammates, it’s a community…. YITH has given me experiences, friendships and moments that I will always be grateful for.
Free spirit and originality are two words that define Kevin perfectly. Find more stories like this one about our team here.