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WordCamp Chiclana 2024 – feeling at home once again  

Some places feel like a second home, make us feel at ease and recharge our batteries. Some places brighten up our lives a little. That’s what happens every time we participate in WordCamp Chiclana.  

Fortunately, we haven’t had to wait 3 years for this WordCamp to become a reality (for those who are not aware of it, this WordCamp does not take place every year like others, but every 3 years). Sponsoring and attending the fourth edition of this great event, which we hold dear, was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up.  

On April 4th, we set off for Seville, from where we would drive to Chiclana de la Frontera. There, we stayed at the hotel where the event would also take place. 


WordCamp Chiclana trip and team
Carlos Rodríguez

Carlos Rodríguez

WordCamp Chiclana is my second home. I have a special connection with many people from that community. […] The venue was excellent! This year, they changed the location and held the WordCamp in a hotel. This made things easier for us, as we stayed in the same place as the event.

On Friday the 5th, this great event would begin with a short but productive contribution session: the Contributor Day.   

An Afternoon of Community Contribution 

For two hours, we committed ourselves to contributing to WordPress. The space was divided into different tables, such as plugins, themes, or translations, where many people could learn and share.  

WordCamp Chiclana Contributor day

The chairs near the tables were quickly occupied. Getting coffee at the snack area triggered the conversation, and everyone was eager to share their knowledge.  

The YITH team split into Plugins and Translations, where we were able to contribute our bit and learn from a wonderful team. 

A Day of Talks and “Firsts” 

The quality of the speaker lineup was exceptional, as was the number of names making their WordCamp program debut. It was the first time for many speakers, including our copywriter and social media manager, Tania González (@taniagonmen28). 

WordCamp Chiclana YITH team

On April 6th, the day of talks began with a single-track session, starting with the presentation by Lucía Rico (@luciayelseo) titled From “SEO to WOW: Deciphering On-Page Experience” followed by Ana Cirujano (@acirujano) with “Big, Red, and Underlined!” where she discussed options for making an element stand out in a design, to grab the user’s attention and achieve more conversions while respecting the website’s visual identity and accessibility.   

Alberto Martín

Alberto Martín

The best part of a WordCamp lies in socializing, both with industry colleagues and with people seeking information. It’s a very close way to contribute not only to the company but also to WordPress, and to make people want to keep learning and participating. […] Chiclana is like being at home; there’s a welcoming environment with a lot of affection, and you’re eager to learn and meet new people in the e-commerce sector.

We were able to enjoy presentations from regulars on the line-up of these events, such as Jaime Gármar (@jaimegarmar_) or Santiago Alonso (@salonsoweb), but also from newcomers like Alejandro Frades or Sebas. All of them spoke about development, marketing, design, and much more.  

Between talks, some people stopped by to greet us and chat, from clients to individuals without experience who wanted to learn basic things about e-commerce.  

Many of them took our famous T-shirts, with a design that we had already debuted at WordCamp Torrelodones. Thanks to all the people who stopped by! 😊  

YITH team talking with assistants and our t-shirts

We enjoyed lunch at the hotel buffet, but we didn’t have much time to rest as we would continue to enjoy an intense afternoon of presentations.  

Our speaker’s journey  

Tania González – Comunicación positiva: el poder de lo que dices (y no dices) 

In the afternoon of April 6th, we had the opportunity to witness the debut talk of our copywriter and social media manager, Tania González. She spoke about the significance of communication in any personal or professional relationship, drawing from her own experiences to discuss communication barriers. Additionally, she shared 5 tips for effective communication.   

Tania's talk in WordCamp Chiclana
The image on the left is by Nilo Vélez – license CC BY-SA
Tania González

Tania González

This was my first talk. I was very nervous in the hours leading up to it, but those nerves dissipated as I was speaking in front of the audience. I believe that if you have something interesting to say, you should take the risk of giving a talk and enjoy the moment. Taking this chance will give visibility to you professionally, as well as to the company. So, would I do it again? Yes!

If you couldn’t attend the talk and want to watch it, or simply relive it, here’s the presentation >  

The final block would be presented by Eneko Garrido (@GarridinSi) with “Interactivity API: A New Experience for Building Blocks“, an API that enables building Gutenberg blocks in a new way, simplifying development and enhancing the user experience.   

WordCamp Chiclana sponsors

When the event ended, we had another appointment: the after-party! Our time together in community was filled with music and a fantastic environment.  

WordCamp Chiclana after party - YITH team

WordCamp Chiclana is always special. Reunions with a community we feel a part of and hold dear are something that resonates with us, among other things. Thanks to each and every person who made this event possible!  

Will we see each other next year, Chiclana? It’s too early to tell. For now, see you in Turin for WordCamp Europe! 😊  

Suggested readings

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