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YITH WooCommerce Membership

4.52 out of 5 based on 86 customer ratings
4.52 - 86 reviews
What the plugin does Create membership plans to allow access to products, pages, articles, and restricted areas of your website to users registered as members.
How you can benefit from it:
  • Sell video courses, lessons, consultancies and make content available only to users that paid for them;
  • Build specific areas on your sites with restricting access only to members;
  • Create an online magazine with posts visible only to users who purchased access to it;
  • Create a private shop where only registered users can view the products;
  • Offer products that can be purchased and downloaded using a credits system (for image stocks, resources, etc.);
  • Offer digital resources that can be downloaded for free by members only.
1 year of updates and support
30-Day money back guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee Buy confidently with our buyer protection and get a full refund for any reason. Read our refund policy >
This plugin is used by 17,584 customers, with a rating of 4.5/5 and a 98% customer satisfaction in support!

A powerful tool to create restricted areas or provide access to products, pages, articles and content only to members.

Selling products with dedicated access is a great opportunity to increase your earnings: big companies like Udemy or Treehouse are living proof and they achieve a huge amount of sales volume with this business model every year. Their income is intended to grow considering the increasing number of people looking for their products.

In a completely automatic way, you could offer your users restricted and exclusive access to tailored information, like a course, videos, products, articles, downloadable files, etc.

Managing courses, services, valuable membership plans with private access, sending messages to your customers, scheduling the publication of the exclusive contents for your customers: all these actions can be easily achieved with YITH WooCommerce Membership, a plugin conceived and designed to streamline the management of restricted-access products.

The reserved area is easy to use, will let you protect your content, and make it accessible only to members or to those who paid for it.

Create unlimited plans with different permission rules

Create different plans (for instance Silver, Bronze and Gold) and set the permissions for your different users based on the plan they have joined. Products can be downloaded only by members of a certain plan or members of another plan can just read the blog posts but not view the videos: there are literally unlimited combinations.

Automatically set users as members of a specific plan when they register

Create restricted access areas (posts, videos, exclusive contents) available only to registered users and automatically mark them as “members” as soon as they register into your website.

Make the shop and products accessible to members only (like on Privalia)

Create a private shop with exclusive offers for members, hide products to non-registered users or to those who do not possess a specific membership plan.

Hide pages and posts to non-members

Manage access to every section of your site and choose what needs to be shown to members. You can create restricted pages, posts that only members can read, products that only users can view or download for free.

Show a limited content (e.g. an article preview) and push users to sign up (and pay) to see the full content

Create your online newspaper-inspired business model: publish posts and contents the introduction of which can be read by everyone, but only members will be able to access the full content and bonuses (videos, podcasts, images and so on).


Use the Gutenberg block to easily set where the “Members-only” content starts

Set with one click where the content visible to everyone ends and where the members-reserved content begins, by using the Gutenberg block “Members-only content starts here” when creating a post or page. A powerful, easy and quick solution.

Allow access or file downloads (PDFs, images, audio and video files, etc.) only to members

Protect your files in the easiest way and allow only members to download digital products (like e-books) or PDF files, ZIP archives, JPG images, audio and video files and so on.

Choose what your users will see when they try to access some reserved content

You can set up an alternative content for every page, product, or post (thanks to Gutenberg blocks you can add a banner or a call to action to encourage your users to join and become members), redirect users to a specific URL or, as an alternative, show a 404 error page to those who try to access reserved contents.


Use the Alternative Content blocks to build advanced alternative content for non-members

Use the new alternative content blocks to create advanced sections and pages with Gutenberg and show them to non-members. Thanks to the flexibility offered by Gutenberg, you will be able to create banners, text, graphic sections and call-to-action buttons to push your users to become members.

Offer free shipping to your shop members

Choose the “Membership free shipping” option to offer free shipping to your members for all the orders they place through your shop.


Offer your members dedicated discounts on all the products of your shop

Do you want to give your members 10% off every product? When you create the membership plan they will join, you will find this option. You can also set up different discount percent rates for every membership plan (for example, 10% for Silver users, 20% for Gold users, and so on).

Build a credit system to allow members to download items (like stock images or digital resources)

Build a platform where you can sell products or digital resources using a credit system. Choose how many credits you want to assign to new members (based on the membership plan they are joining) and how many credits will be necessary to download one item.<br /> You can set a default value for the entire shop or different values for specific products (e.g. some products may require 5 credits, some other products 10 credits etc.).

Use the YITH Subscription plugin to let your users make a recurring payment in order to get access to reserved contents

The integration between YITH Membership and YITH Subscription is the most powerful one in our product catalog: it allows you to create reserved areas in your site and grant access to the classes of a learning course, or to receipts, products, posts, downloadable resources, videos, podcasts and so on, only to those members who have an active subscription and who are paying on a billing cycle that you can set by yourself (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually etc.).<br /> If the subscription is not paid automatically, users will lose access to their reserved contents.

Release contents gradually

For every content in the plan, you can choose when it will be made available to your users, so you can delay their release gradually and constantly (for example, the first video will be immediately available, the second one after one week etc.)

Monitor the memberships and the downloads from the integrated dashboard

From the integrated plugin dashboard panel, you can easily monitor all the memberships created and the downloads of the resources included in every plan.

Offer your members a dedicated section in “My Account” with all their memberships

All users who have access to a specific membership plan will be able to see all the details in their reserved area in My Account, where they can also access the reserved contents and download the resources they have paid for.

A wide range of notifications for admin and members

Send a notification email to your users whenever a new membership is created, 10 days before its expiration, when the membership expires and when it is canceled.

1 year of updates, bug fixes and technical support

The official plugin license entitles you to one year of updates (and new features that will be added in future versions), error and bug fixes, and access to our technical support platform.

30-Day money back guarantee

Do you have any doubts about the plugin and don't know if it's a good fit for your project? You have nothing to worry about, you can always take advantage of our 100% money back guarantee and get a full refund within 30 days of purchase.


  • Membership plans creation
    • Create unlimited membership in your site
    • Set an expiration date for every membership
    • Build a credit system to allow members to download items (like stock images or digital resources). Choose how many credits you want to assign to members (based on the membership plan they are joining) and how many credits will be necessary to download one item. You can set a default value for the entire shop or different values for specific products (e.g. some products may require 5 credits, some other products 10 credits etc.)
  • Manage content included in a membership plan
    • Enable the visibility of specific content (post, pages, products, etc.) only to users who have a membership
    • Release contents gradually:For every content in the plan, you can choose when it will be made available to your users (for example, the first video will be immediately available, the second one after one week etc.)
    • Make media (images, downloadable files, video, audio, etc.) accessible only to users belonging to a specific membership
    • Free access to the contents of one or more membership plans for all the users who get registered on the site (users that register on your site are automatically added inside a membership plan)
    • Protect links embedded in articles, pages and products: they will only be displayed to the owners of a specific membership
    • Use the "Members-only content starts here" gutenberg divider block to partially hide the content of a post to non-members (Ex: members can read the full article or watch all the videos, non-members can only read the article incipit or watch the 1st video)
    • Choose what you want to show to non-members if they try to access reserved contents: you can redirect them to a custom 404 page or to a specific URL or also show an alternative content.
    • Use the new alternative content blocks to create advanced sections and pages with Gutenberg and show them to non-members. Thanks to the flexibility offered by Gutenberg, you will be able to create banners, text, graphic sections and call-to-action buttons to push your users to become members.
  • Shop options for members
    • Choose one or more products through which give access to a membership plan (the user purchase the product to become a member of a specific plan)
    • Hide price and “Add to cart” button to members on every downloadable product
    • Membership Flat Rate shipping method: set a fixed shipping cost only for members
    • Offer free shipping to members for orders made in your shop
    • Offer a discount on all products to users of specific membership plans (Ex: users of “gold” plan have a 10% off on the whole shop)
  • Membership editing options for the admin
    • Edit the status and the expiration date of a membership for specific users
    • Edit details concerning each membership associated to a specific user: ID of the associated plan, starting and expiry date, number of the associated order, user ID, membership status and number of remaining credits.
  • Membership reports
    • Complete history of memberships purchased so far by users
    • Detailed report which allows you to check the number of downloads filtered by product or user and the number of memberships currently active or activated from the plugin activation date
  • Members notifications
    • Send an email automatically to users when a new membership is created or cancelled
    • Send an email automatically to users when a membership is expiring (the email is sento 10 days before expiration date)
    • Send an email automatically to users when a new membership is expired
  • Tools for members
    • Associate two or more memberships to allow users to access contents of all memberships from one account
    • Dedicated area on “My account” page where all reserved contents and the history of the membership are visible to users who have access to them
  • Extra options
    • Shortcode to add WooCommerce login form
    • Allow users to purchase a membership with a subscription plan, thanks to the compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Subscription (Ex: members pay a weekly/monthly/yearly subscription to get access to a membership content)
    • 100% compatible with YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts: custom discounts for the users owning one or more membership plans

Plugin integrations

All the products in our YITH catalog are developed on the same shared framework. This grants full compatibility among all our plugins and allows combining them together to get even more powerful results and more complete solutions.

We do our best to also include compatibility with the most popular WordPress and WooCommerce plugins available on the market.

You can use this plugin with*:

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search

Using YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search you can add a search bar to your website, allowing users to search via Ajax for specific content in your website, searching through posts, pages, and products.

Thanks to the integration with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search, search results will automatically show only products that the user has access to based on their membership plan.

YITH WooCommerce Badge Management

YITH WooCommerce Badge Management allows you to show graphic badges on your products to highlight discounts, promotions, or unique selling points.

The combination of the two plugins allows you to show badges to users with a specific membership plan.

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page helps you customize your "My Account" page in your website in a few simple steps, adding new sections and editing the default WooCommerce ones.

Thanks to YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page it will be possible to edit the "My Plans" section offered by YITH WooCommerce Membership directly from the admin panel of your website.
In a few steps, you will be able to edit the icon and the label of the tab and add custom content to this section.

YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts is a plugin conceived to create advantageous purchase conditions for your users. After configuring the discount rules for your shop, the system will dynamically apply them if the required discount conditions are fulfilled.

The combined use of these two plugins grants you the chance to create specific discount rules for subscribers, and specific membership plans.
You'll be able to keep your loyal customers even closer, once you have earned their trust.

YITH WooCommerce Email Templates

YITH WooCommerce Email Templates is an extension that allows you to perform advanced customization on standard WooCommerce Emails that are sent to your customers.
You can use a different template for each email, choosing from a pool of 4 offered by the plugin.

Integrating these two plugins allows you to further customize the layout of all emails sent using YITH WooCommerce Membership.

YITH WooCommerce MailChimp

With YITH WooCommerce MailChimp you can manage email marketing campaigns for your e-commerce in a few simple gestures. The combination with YITH WooCommerce Membership the admin can set Mailchimp lists in membership plans. So when a user becomes a member they will be added to the selected Mailchimp list.

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor allows you to turn your store into a multistore where vendors manage their own product and earn a commission on every sale.

The integration between YITH WooCommerce Membership and YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor grants each vendor in the shop the chance to arrange his product in one or more membership: only subscribers will be able to access the membership related content.

YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards

YITH Points and Rewards allows you to build a points-based loyalty programme on your site and leverage the gamification strategies to win your customers' trust.

Thanks to the integration with YITH Membership, you can create specific rules and make sure that member users only earn points or that they can earn a different number of points (for example, "Gold" members can earn double points).

YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons & Extra Options

YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons & Extra Options allows you to configure additional options that will be added to one or more product in your shop. For each action, it's possible to choose a name, an image and a price, which will add up to the basic ones the product has.

Thanks to the integration between these two plugins, you will be able to create blocks of options and show them only to users belonging to specific membership plans through the dedicated options.

YITH WooCommerce Subscription

YITH WooCommerce Subscription is a plugin designed to enable recurring payments for the services offered in your shop.

Using YITH WooCommerce Membership in combination with YITH WooCommerce Subscription you will allow your customers to purchase a membership by subscribing to a membership plan.
Access to the membership will always be consequential to the state of the subscription: in case the subscription is expired or a payment is missing, users won't be able to access its content

* All the plugins listed in this section are not included in YITH WooCommerce Membership. In order to take advantage of a specific integration, you need to purchase and activate the premium version of the related plugin.


Reviews (86)

Customer reviews

Rated 4.52 out of 5 stars
86 reviews

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  1. 4 out of 5

    dreletailcommerce-info - verified customer

    Nice integrationIt's got some pretty advanced settings, but still it's really easy to set up a membership system. I love using this with YITH Product Addons to show extra options only available for members. It's easy to use and has all the functionalities I was looking for. The only downside is that I had to purchase an extra plugin to achieve this, but it's worth it.

  2. 4 out of 5

    Allison M. - verified customer

    YITH Membership plugin, a great choice for any e-shopThe plugin's interface is intuitive, making it relatively easy to set up membership tiers and define access rules. The plugin's basic functionality is solid, but more advanced restriction rules would enhance its versatility.

  3. 4 out of 5

    michael.stewart - verified customer

    Complex at first but greatGreat design, great options, a bit too complex at first - I had to contact support to set up the alt content blocks - but overall, a great tool

  4. 4 out of 5

    Alfonso Narváez Ruiz - verified customer

    Ha valido la penaSiendo sincero, el precio me tiro para atrás al principio, pero he de decir que es un plugin bastante completo y que vale mucho la pena. No es nada difícil de configurar y tampoco da problemas.

  5. 4 out of 5

    Sam Baird - verified customer

    Working greatMy only complaint is that I had to get an extra plugin (Dynamic pricing and discounts) because I needed to set different discounts on each category for the different membership plans and with the Membership settings you can only set a general discount for each plan. Apart from that, it all works great


Here you can find some frequently asked questions about this plugin. If you can't find a reply to your doubts, ask a question: we will reply in a very short time
  • All
  • Elementor
  • Shortcode
  • General

I'm using Elementor, in my case, the product page is all built up from scratch, so how do I add the download button elements?

Our plugin is compatible with Elementor and you can use the related shortcodes to build your pages, the one you're specifically looking for is the "product download links" shortcode. There are two different templates:

  1. by using [membership_download_product_links] the shortcode will show the download button including the number of credits the download needs
  2. by using [membership_download_product_links layout="box"] the shortcode will show the whole box including current number of credits, credits after the download, and the download button.

Can I delete a membership plan?

It is possible as long as all users’ memberships have been set as Cancelled or Expired.

Where do members can view the details of the membership they own?

Members will be able to see the plan details directly from their My account > Membership.

Does the plugin provide login, logout, registering pages?

No, Registration/Login/Logout are managed by WordPress, not by the plugin.

Is it possible to add a new member manually and grant him/her access to a plan?

Yes, you can create a new user from the Users page (the default option offered by WordPress) and then assign a new plan manually as explained here.

I would like to make a specific page visible to both guests and members, but only the first paragraph of it must be visible to guests and the rest of the post is visible only to members. Is it possible to do that?

Yes, the plugin includes a specific Gutenberg block that called "Members-only content starts here" (which is also available as a shortcode and Elementor widget): you can add it after the first paragraph so that non-members will only see what is before the widget and the alternative content set up for that page, whereas members will see the full content.

How do I let users purchase memberships? Do I make a specific product for that?

You need to create a membership product and set description and price just like you do with any other WooCommerce product. After creating it, you must set the product in the membership plan through the dedicated option.

Can I use a shortcode to restrict partial content for a specific membership plan?

The plugin includes the Membership Protected Content block and shortcode that allows setting different contents for the same post (page or product) of each different membership plan: the system will automatically select the content to show to each customer according to the membership plan they have.

I'm creating a website with premium access to some items. But I have a trial period. Does your plugin allow that?

The use of our plugin allows creating different membership plans. To achieve your goal you can set two plans: for example, Trial and Premium. The Trial plan can be offered for free and can include a few contents with an expiration date, while the Premium plan can be purchased and will include all the contents.

I would like to restrict access to the whole store to registered customers only. Is it possible?

Yes, you can add ALL products to the membership plan and also pages like Cart and Checkout if needed (they will be hidden also from menus where they appear).

Can I hide the Add to Cart button of some products to everyone except those who have purchased the membership?

Through the plugin settings, you can hide a product and show it only to those customers who have joined the membership plan. You can also show different content for the product by adding a link to redirect them. In this case, users without the membership can’t see the Add to cart button.

Can't find the answer?

Send us your question and we will reply very quick!

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Technical Info

  • Version: 2.15.0
  • Released: 2024-07-14
  • Minimum PHP version: 7.0
  • Requires: WordPress 6.4 and WooCommerce 8.9
  • Compatible up to: WordPress 6.6 and WooCommerce 9.1
  • Supported multilanguage plugins: WPML, Loco Translate
  • Translation ready: YES
  • Languages 100% guaranteed by YITH: English, Italian, Spanish
  • Languages provided by users: French(86%), Dutch(86%), Greek(86%)
  • Support for: YITH Proteo theme. All YITH plugins.
  • GDPR Compliant: Not applicable
1 year of updates and support
30-Day money back guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee Buy confidently with our buyer protection and get a full refund for any reason. Read our refund policy >

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