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YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips

An effective tool to generate
your order invoices
and manage them in an advanced way
If you are not satisfied with our products, you will receive a 100% refund for any reason.
What the plugin does The complete solution to automatically generate and manage your invoices and create packing slips to speed up your shipping process.
How you can benefit from it:
  • Simplify the creation and management of invoices generated by your e-commerce
  • Customize your invoices in an advanced way: choose the info to show, how to set the invoice number, when to send the invoices to your customers, etc.
  • Easily manage credit notes, packing slips, and proforma invoices as well.
  • Allow your customers to easily download invoices directly from their My account page.
  • Automatically backup all documents on Dropbox or Google Drive and have all invoices safely stored online.
  • Choose between different templates to customize your invoices and to make them more professional and in line with the company branding.
1 year of updates and support
30-Day money back guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee Buy confidently with our buyer protection and get a full refund for any reason. Read our refund policy >
This plugin is used by 9,648 customers, with a rating of 4.5/5 and a 97% customer satisfaction in support!
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The complete solution to automatically generate and manage all your invoices.

Regardless of the product and service types you sell, the correct invoicing of orders is an essential element for your store management. Invoices are the official documents for sales and include all the most important information related to the order: customer’s data, products (or services) purchased, amount to pay and possible shipping costs or taxes, and much more. An effective invoicing system can be the strong point of your e-commerce and a guarantee to prevent bureaucratic mistakes or time-consuming legal matters from encountering (income tax return, disputes with customers, returns, refunds, etc.).

The nice thing about selling online is the possibility to get rid of paper invoices or invoices managed with obsolete software: if you run a WooCommerce-based e-commerce site and use our YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips, you will be able to generate and manage your invoices very easily and quickly.

Our plugin covers all management requirements not available in the basic system available in WooCommerce: you can, for example: configure your invoice numbering based on your preferences, export invoices into a CSV file or download them as PDF, enable the automatic backup of invoices on your Dropbox or Google Drive account, manage credit notes and shipping lists, edit and regenerate all invoices with one click. A versatile and constantly updated tool to make your life easier and have full management of any invoicing aspect of your online shop.

Choose whether to generate invoices for specific orders manually or for all orders automatically

You can install and use the plugin to generate invoices manually for specific orders (you can choose the date to show on the invoice) or enable the option to generate invoices automatically for all the orders placed in your shop (and define the order status that will trigger the invoice generation).

Generate invoices manually or automatically
Invoice sequential numbering

Choose the invoice numbering: use the order number or ID or a sequential numbering

Numbering invoices correctly is essential for the right management of orders and documents. For this reason, our plugin offers different options: you can assign the order ID or number to the related invoices or set a sequential numbering, starting from a specific number. You can choose to reset the numbering on December 31 every year and enable the option to prevent invoices from being mistakenly generated with the same number. Each option has been developed to make the invoice management easier.


Monitor and manage invoices through the dedicated dashboard

From version 3.0, you will find a dedicated panel from which you can fully manage all the invoices generated in your shop. You can also bulk generate invoices, download them as PDF, regenerate and delete them: a quick and easy option to apply an action to multiple orders at once.

Invoices dashboard
Proforma invoices

Generate proforma invoices or receipts for your customers

The plugin doesn’t manage invoices only: you can also enable receipts and proforma invoices for your shop’s orders. With just a simple click, your customers can get the PDF file of all documents directly in their My Account page.

Manage shipping lists for products physically shipped to customers

In addition to invoices, you will be able to generate and manage delivery notes (shipping lists) for the products you need to physically ship to your customers. In the note, you can show the weight and size of the products and the shipping method used, with the related cost.

Packing slips
Credit notes

Easily manage refunds

The plugin allows you to easily generate credit notes for all refunded orders. From version 3.0, you can also show amounts with positive values in credit notes (required in some countries like Germany or Spain).

Configure the format of all your documents (file name, prefix, suffix, etc.)

You can customize the format of all documents generated in your shop. You can set a default format and choose whether to configure a prefix (a text or number to insert before the invoice number, such as YITH-1234) or a suffix (a text to insert after the invoice number, such as 1234-YITH).

Invoice file naming

Create an automatic backup of all invoices on Dropbox or Google Drive

Do you want more security and save a copy of all your invoices on a Cloud service or upload them online to easily share them with your accountant? With YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips, you can enable the automatic backup of all documents generated with the plugin on your Dropbox or Google Drive account.

Require your customers to complete the VAT or SSN fields at the checkout and insert the data in the generated invoices

If you need to include your customers’ VAT or SSN in the invoices, you can enable the option to request this data at the checkout and choose whether to make them required or not. If the customer completes the fields, the data will be automatically added to the documents (invoices, credit notes, etc.).

YITH PDF Invoices & Packing Slips

Use the new integrated builder to create unlimited templates

Choose one of the 9 templates included and customize it with the new Gutenberg-based builder. You can add text and image blocks to it, and customize the style and colors to build unlimited layouts for the invoices to send to your customers. Thanks to the builder, you can, for example, create different templates to be used during specific times of the year (Christmas, Black Friday, etc.) and send your customers professional and captivating documents.

A complete solution to be 100% compliant with the Italian law

If your shop is based in Italy you can use the plugin to enable the Electronic Invoicing System (Sistema di fatturazione elettronica) for the Italian Agenzia delle Entrate. You will be able to download an XML file of each invoice generated.

Italian electronic invoicing
Delivery info in invoices and packing slips

Insert tracking data into the invoices’ delivery notes

If you use this plugin with the premium version of YITH WooCommerce Order & Shipment Tracking, you can show a “delivery note” section in your invoices and share tracking data with your customers. An easy and powerful way to provide a better customer experience.

1 year of updates, bug fixes and technical support

The official plugin license entitles you to one year of updates (and new features that will be added in future versions), error and bug fixes, and access to our technical support platform.

30-Day money back guarantee

Do you have any doubts about the plugin and don't know if it's a good fit for your project? You have nothing to worry about, you can always take advantage of our 100% money back guarantee and get a full refund within 30 days of purchase.


  • Invoices options
    • Choose manual invoice generation and which date to show on the invoice
    • Enable the automatic invoice generation and in which order status to generate the invoice
    • Prevent invoice generations for orders with value "0" New
    • Use the order number as the invoice number New Hot
    • Use the order ID as the invoice number New Hot
    • Use a sequential numbering to assign the invoice number (and set from which number to start)
    • Enforce minimum invoice number length
    • Reset invoice numbering at the beginning of each year
    • Customize your invoice number by adding a prefix or a suffix
    • Manage all invoices from the dedicated table (you can use the bulk actions to regenerate, download PDF, or download a CSV file of all invoices or only specific ones) New
    • Customize the format of each document
    • Customize the folder name, where invoices are saved New
    • Enable the automatic backup of all documents in your Dropbox account
    • Enable the automatic backup of all documents in your Google Drive account New
    • Allows customers to download invoices and other generated documents from their My Account (“Orders” section)
    • Let customers choose whether they need an invoice or a receipt at checkout
    • Generate proforma invoices and choose which information to show
    • Dedicated section for the Italian Electronic Invoicing (Sistema di fatturazione elettronica) required for Italian companies: generate the .xml file with the format required by the Italian Agenzia delle Entrate to be 100% compliant
  • Packing slips options
    • Option to generate packing slips manually or automatically New
    • Customize the packing slip document template
  • Credit notes options
    • Option to generate credit notes for refunded orders
    • Use a sequential numbering to assign the credit note number (and set from which number to start)
    • Reset credit notes numbering at the beginning of each year
    • Customize the credit note document template
    • Show amounts with positive values in credit notes New
    • Manage all credit notes from the dedicated table New
  • VAT & SSN options
    • Option to request the SSN and VAT number during checkout
    • Make SSN and VAT fields mandatory during the checkout
    • Validation of SSN field during the checkout process New
    • Show your customers’ SSN and VAT in the invoices and other documents
  • Documents style & design
    • Use the advanced Gutenberg builder to create unlimited custom invoice templates New Hot
    • 9 ready-to-use invoice templates New Hot
    • Manage notes that must show on all documents
  • Extra options
    • Possibility to insert information about the order and user in PDF documents, by specifying the related "meta key"
    • Possibility to overwrite document template from code
    • Insert the order tracking data in the invoice (available with the premium version of YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking)
    • Insert the shipping info and the delivery date in the invoice (available with the premium version of YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date)

Plugin integrations

All the products in our YITH catalog are developed on the same shared framework. This grants full compatibility among all our plugins and allows combining them together to get even more powerful results and more complete solutions.

We do our best to also include compatibility with the most popular WordPress and WooCommerce plugins available on the market.

You can use this plugin with*:

YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager

With YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager, you can add or remove fields in an easy way. The combination with YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips allows you to edit the fields (VAT and SSN) that the PDF invoice plugin adds to the checkout.

YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date

With the YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date plugin you can allow your customers to choose a specific delivery date for the products they purchase. The integration between the two plugins will allow you to show the delivery date information in the PDF document.

YITH WooCommerce Deposits / Down Payments

YITH WooCommerce Deposits / Down Payments is a plugin designed to offer users the opportunity to leave a deposit for a specific order, which they will then finish paying at a later time.

Using these two plugins combined grants users the chance to generate an invoice for each operation performed using YITH WooCommerce Deposits / Down Payments.
Every order will generate two invoices: one once the deposit is made, and another one once the total is paid.


YITH EU VAT, OSS & IOSS automatically applies the right VAT to your products for EU companies which VAT number is valid for INTRASTAT.

When using these two plugins together, the VAT inserted by the customer can be shown on the invoice generated with PDF Invoice.

YITH WooCommerce Frontend Manager

YITH Frontend Manager for WooCommerce adds a frontend dashboard to your site through which the administrator and shop managers can manage orders, products, and coupons as they would do from WordPress dashboard.

Thanks to the integration with the YITH PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin, you will be able to generate pdf invoices, packing slips and credit notes from the frontend dashboard.

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor Tracking allows you to enter shipping data for each order, in order to allow users to track the status of their products

When the plugin is used with YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor, also vendors will be able to generate their own invoices with their own template and logo. The automatic generation of invoices, though, is disabled, so invoices must be generated manually from the order details.

YITH WooCommerce Order & Shipment Tracking

YITH WooCommerce Order & Shipment Tracking allows you to enter shipping data for each order, in order to allow users to track the status of their products

The integration between these two plugins allows you to enter order tracking details (created using YITH WooCommerce Order & Shipment Tracking) in the shipping documents (created using YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips).

YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles

YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles is an extension conceived to create bundles with the combination of some products of your shop. You can assign an ad-hoc price to the bundle or a price given by the sum of the single elements contained in the bundle itself.
The integration between these two plugins allows showing the bundles in the invoice.

* All the plugins listed in this section are not included in YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips. In order to take advantage of a specific integration, you need to purchase and activate the premium version of the related plugin.


Invoices and Credit notes


Default template settings

Custom template settings

Fatturazione elettronica

Generate documents


Reviews (87)

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
87 reviews

Are you a customer? Submit your review

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  1. 5 out of 5

    Jaden Lang - verified customer

    make the invoices look betterI was looking for a plugin to make my invoices look much better and this plugin did it with flying colors.

  2. 4 out of 5

    admin-9348 - verified customer

    Happy so far with the pluginIt's a great plugin, I wish they had more templates to choose from but overall works really well.

  3. 5 out of 5

    Belén Acosta - verified customer

    Muy contentaEl plugin está genial, me ha permitido personalizar las facturas de mi tienda para adaptarlas a mi gusto. El envío automático de facturas facilita mucho la gestión, así que chapó!

  4. 4 out of 5

    daniel-2489 - verified customer

    A lot of options but worth itAs someone who's completely new to this, I was a bit overwhelmed by all the options but the support team helped me a lot. I would have preferred getting a phone call to solve it all in the moment instead of going through the tickets process but I can't complain, everything's working as expected now

  5. 5 out of 5

    admin-moonhightech - verified customer

    Very useful, highly recommendedOne of the most useful plugins that YITH's has to offer for any online shop, for me at least it's a staple.


Here you can find some frequently asked questions about this plugin. If you can't find a reply to your doubts, ask a question: we will reply in a very short time
  • All
  • General
  • Email
  • Customization

With regard to the Italian invoice system, how can I send the .xml file to the Italian "Agenzia delle Entrate"?

You can use the online service "Fatture e Corrispettivi" or other alternative methods offered by the Agenzia delle Entrate. For more details you can refer to this page.

Can I add users’ details to the documents?

Yes, you can use the postmeta metakeys as placeholders if you use the default template as described in this section of the documentation

or by adding the dedicated block to the custom templates.

Does the plugin also add the VAT number field to the checkout form?

Yes, you can add the VAT field to the form, and also set it as required, by enabling the option VAT number in the general options. You can read more about the settings here.

Is it possible to regenerate the documents?

Yes, you can regenerate invoices, packing slips, and proforma from the order detail or the invoices/credit notes tab as you can read here, by clicking on the specific buttons or using the bulk actions option. You can read more about it here.

Where are invoices saved?

Invoices are saved by default in the Invoices folder that you can find in the folder “wp-content -> uploads->ywpi-pdf-invoice” of your WordPress installation.

Where can customers see their invoice?

All invoices are available in My Account > Orders right next to the order they refer to.

Can I send the invoice by email?

The invoice and pro forma document are the only documents to be attached to emails sent to the user. This is the default behavior of the plugin and you do not need to enable any option.

Does the plugin manage electronic invoices for Italian companies?

Yes, the plugin includes a section that has been specifically developed to give Italian companies an easy tool to generate the XML file, together with the PDF file. Check the full explanation here.

Can I edit the style of the invoice like the font and border color?

Yes, you can edit the invoice and other document templates by overriding the related files as you can see here, or by using the different block options when creating the custom template as explained here.

Is there a way to have the PDF invoice automatically upload to Dropbox or Google Drive as well?

Yes, the plugin allows you to backup all the generated PDF documents on Dropbox and/or on Google drive automatically. You can read more about the specific settings here.

Can't find the answer?

Send us your question and we will reply very quick!

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Technical Info

  • Version: 4.26.0
  • Released: 2025-01-22
  • Minimum PHP version: 7.0
  • Requires: WordPress 6.5 and WooCommerce 9.4
  • Compatible up to: WordPress 6.7.x and WooCommerce 9.6.x
  • Supported multilanguage plugins: WPML, Loco Translate
  • Translation ready: YES
  • Languages 100% guaranteed by YITH: English, Italian, Spanish
  • Support for: YITH Proteo theme. All YITH plugins.

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