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Best WordPress hosting for WooCommerce

WordPress and WooCommerce have continued to gain immense popularity, as millions of eCommerce businesses worldwide rely on this platform. It is therefore not surprising that many individuals are curious about the best WooCommerce hosting providers available.

In the current market scenario, there are many options available, which makes it difficult to decide. Relying on your instinct might seem like a feasible option, but it’s not always the best approach if you want to establish a thriving eCommerce business.

Throughout this guide, we will thoroughly examine all the factors that need to be considered when comparing the top WordPress hosting options. Additionally, we will provide recommendations for web-hosting providers that we highly recommend for your website.

Before we dive into further details, let’s pause for a moment to grasp the concept of WooCommerce and the significance of conducting thorough research in this regard. This will help us gain better insights and make informed decisions.

What is WooCommerce and why it is important to choose good WordPress hosting plans

If you’re familiar with the world of online sales, you’ve likely come across WooCommerce. It’s a free and open-source tool that can transform a regular WordPress website into an eCommerce platform.

WordPress is a widely used and free Content Management System (CMS) on the internet. It is very popular among people who want to create personal websites, blogs, online stores, and other types of websites. You can use it for various purposes without any cost.

WordPress is highly valued for two main reasons: it is free and open-source, which means it can be customized and used by anyone, and it is incredibly flexible. One of the ways WordPress achieves this flexibility is through its use of themes and plugins, which allows users to alter the site’s visual appearance and functions, respectively.

When it comes to themes and plugins for WordPress, the options are plenty, and one such option is WooCommerce. It’s a great choice if you’re looking to enhance your site’s digital selling capabilities. With WooCommerce, you can easily showcase your products, add them to a cart, and complete the checkout process using popular payment methods like PayPal and credit card.

It’s no surprise that WordPress is a favorite among users because it offers a user-friendly interface and a vast range of features. However, it’s crucial to select the right hosting service for a WordPress website that fulfills all necessary requirements.

To fully grasp the features, it’s essential to comprehend the various hosting options available in the market. So, let’s dive into the types of hosting providers before exploring the features in detail.

Type of hosting

Shared, semi-dedicated or dedicated hosting?

If you’re in the market for a hosting plan, you’ll likely encounter these terms. However, it’s important to understand the distinctions between shared web hosting and dedicated hosting. What sets these options apart, and which one is right for you?

One noticeable contrast you might have observed is the difference in cost. Shared hosting can be quite affordable and is often preferred by vendors, while dedicated hosting comes with a much higher price.

The reason behind the cost variation is due to the type of service being offered. Shared hosting involves sharing the server with other users, resulting in reduced costs but also limited resources for your website. This may not be an ideal situation for websites that require more resources, but it can be a cost-effective option for those looking to save money.

It’s simple to comprehend that websites hosted on such servers usually encounter problems in handling scalability. This means maintaining superior performance for sites that are heavily loaded with user traffic.

It’s important to keep in mind that shared hosting is best suited for smaller websites with low traffic and revenue. Investing in maintaining a site may not be necessary for those who fall into this category.

In contrast, dedicated hosting is designed for big websites and online stores. You’ll have full control over the hosting server, which means you can utilize additional resources whenever you need them. Additionally, you may be able to receive top-notch support from the provider.

It is evident that choosing the expensive option is not always feasible for small and medium-sized stores. However, there is a solution that can be explored online, which is semi-dedicated hosting. These servers are easy to operate as they host more users than dedicated ones but fewer than shared ones. This option provides access to more resources at a lower cost.

wordpress cloud hosting solutions

Cloud solutions for WordPress: what are they and how do they work?

When selecting your hosting provider, you might come across the term “Cloud,” which is specifically meant for bigger websites and comes at a higher price. However, it can be tricky to distinguish between dedicated and cloud hosting.

To put it simply, we’re discussing two services that share a common objective of achieving excellent performance and scalability, but they utilize different technologies to address the issue. In other words, they have different approaches to attaining the same goal.

You might have heard about classic and cloud servers. Classic servers are physical machines that hosting providers buy and offer to customers. On the other hand, cloud servers are virtualized and created by pooling the resources of multiple physical servers. This way, you can combine the resources of several physical servers into a single virtual one.

So, when it comes to dedicated web hosting versus cloud web hosting, what are the actual benefits? Well, dedicated servers tend to come out on top in terms of performance. Although cloud technology has come a long way, it can still be slowed down by the fact that data has to travel through multiple points before it reaches its destination.

Although there may be some limitations, cloud servers make up for it with their impressive scalability. They are able to merge resources from multiple physical machines to create a virtual server. This means that if there is a high demand on the site, it can easily provide additional resources without any issues.

It’s worth keeping in mind that cloud solutions are typically a more budget-friendly option compared to dedicated physical servers. As a result, many website owners are opting for this cost-effective choice.

Features to look for in WordPress hosting for WooCommerce

After reviewing the various types of hosting features available, it’s important to consider which are most useful for a WordPress and/or WooCommerce website. Let’s take a closer look at these features together.

Actually, WordPress sites don’t require any special hosting needs, as most modern hosting providers can easily support them. However, there are a few factors that you should consider while choosing a hosting service for your WordPress site. Don’t worry, I’m here to help you out!

WooCommerce security

SECURITY: essential for WooCommerce

When it comes to eCommerce websites, security is a crucial aspect that cannot be overlooked. This applies to WooCommerce websites as well, so it’s important to take extra precautions.

Apart from safeguarding your website’s security and data, it’s equally important to prioritize the protection of your customers’ personal information, particularly when it comes to online transactions. This will not only enhance their confidence in your brand but also help maintain their trust in the long run.

To ensure security between the connection of point A and point B, it is crucial to utilize SSL, which stands for Secure Sockets Layer. This technology is widely used and provides a safe and secure connection.

It’s advisable to opt for hosting providers that offer the required encryption protocol, which is crucial for your needs. Some hosting services provide this encryption protocol for free, making it a better choice. Additionally, automatic backups are highly valued, as they ensure that you can retrieve any lost data in case of any unforeseen issues.

It’s always a wise decision to opt for a hosting service that is reputable and highly regarded in the industry. Remember, even renowned hosting providers can be vulnerable to attacks.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to steer clear of mistakes made by humans as most security vulnerabilities arise due to the negligence of website owners who tend to forget updating internal components like WordPress, themes, and plugins. So, it’s always advisable to have a website that is up-to-date and secure to avoid any potential risks.

To sum up, make sure to prioritize web hosting services that have free SSL and a solid reputation in the industry.

Slow hosting - WooCommece

Slow Hosting? Your WooCommerce shop is in trouble

Digital.com‘s research revealed that half of your potential customers may leave your website without making a purchase if the pages take too long to load. It’s important to note that users expect speedy load times, with 53% of them expecting a page to load in less than three seconds.

If an eCommerce platform is even slightly slower than its competitors, it is possible that it could lose out on as much as 50% of its potential sales.

To ensure a good browsing speed, it’s important for both the vendor and web hosting to work together effectively. By collaborating properly, they can achieve the best possible outcome.

Factors that can often slow down a site are:

  • An excess of large content – In this case, both the vendor and hosting service need to work together to find a solution. The vendor can try using lighter image formats while uploading files, while the hosting provider should provide ample storage space. When selecting a hosting plan, keep storage requirements in mind.
  • Location of the server – When it comes to location, it’s important to consider where most of your website traffic is coming from. For instance, if you have a lot of visitors from Italy, using a server in India might cause slower browsing speeds because the data has to travel further. Additionally, servers that are spread out across many locations often have lower quality hardware. So, it’s best to choose a server location that’s closest to your target audience.
  • CMS management errors – When using WooCommerce, it can be tempting to go overboard with the numerous plugins and themes available. However, it’s important to keep in mind that every plugin can slow down your site to some extent. That’s why it’s better to stick with a few high-quality plugins instead of using many low-quality ones. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your site remains speedy and efficient.

To sum up, when searching for web hosting, it’s best to go for servers that are located nearby and offer ample resources like storage space.


As previously mentioned, most online hosting options offer support for WordPress and WooCommerce, but we suggest considering hosting services that focus specifically on these platforms.

Choosing to work with WooCommerce hosting providers will not only provide you with the necessary resources but also offer you access to additional services and exceptional support.

It is possible to avoid the initial installation of WordPress (and occasionally WooCommerce too) and ensure that the server satisfies some minimum criteria:

  • PHP version 7.4 or higher 
  • MySQL version 8.0 or MariaDB 10.4 or higher

It’s important to make sure that HTTPS is allowed, otherwise your SSL won’t serve its purpose.

While it’s not absolutely necessary, taking these precautions can certainly benefit your work.

Why is it important to choose a good WordPress hosting for WooCommerce?

As we’ve learned, there are numerous elements that could have a detrimental impact on your website. Therefore, it’s critical to keep in mind that when establishing an eCommerce business, the trust of your consumers is essential. Once gone, it’s difficult to regain.

For this reason, to ensure the safety of your online store and your customers from any external attacks, it’s highly recommended to opt for a reliable hosting provider which guarantees a near-perfect uptime (i.e., the amount of time your site is available online). This will not only protect your business but also provide a smooth shopping experience to your customers.

A website that cannot be accessed by potential customers, can create a sense of distrust that negatively impacts your brand reputation. Furthermore, customers can be driven towards your competitors.

To simplify your job, it’s always a good idea to seek assistance from professionals who are experienced in working with WordPress and WooCommerce. While these platforms are user-friendly, it’s beneficial to have extra support from customer service. Many hosting providers offer easy access to the control panel or even installation of WordPress and WooCommerce for you.

When deciding on your options, cost is definitely an important factor to keep in mind (we’ll discuss the expenses soon), but it’s not the only aspect of importance for creating a thriving online business.

how much is WooCommerce hosting

How much does a hosting provider for WordPress cost?

We know that the cost of hosting providers is a major concern for vendors. However, it’s important to consider the expenses of purchasing and maintaining the platform in order to calculate your profits.

A lot of marketers opt for WooCommerce as a cost-saving measure. Interestingly, by creating the website themselves instead of hiring an agency, they can save a significant amount of money. Furthermore, managing it, in the long run, will also be cheaper as they won’t require specialists.

WordPress hosting providers are a great option for those who are looking for affordable hosting solutions. Shared servers are much cheaper than dedicated ones, which makes them a popular choice. For this reason, we will primarily discuss shared hosting services since it’s preferred by most users.

When it comes to WordPress hosting, it’s important to consider all the costs involved. Most hosting services offer a variety of packages to choose from, with the basic solutions starting at around 5 or 6 USD per month. However, there are also more advanced models available that can cost up to 100 USD per month.

It’s good to keep in mind that promotions are usually available for the first year of the hosting plan, which can greatly reduce the cost. However, it’s important to note that the price will return to its regular rate for subsequent renewals.

As previously stated, while it’s crucial to be mindful of expenses, we advise against opting for the basic packages as it may not measure up to the demands of a growing online store.

As we go through this article, we’ll explore WooCommerce plans which usually cost slightly more than just WordPress solutions. 

comparison best WordPress hosting for WooCommerce

THE COMPARISON: The best WordPress hosting for WooCommerce available on the market

We have reached the section where we will have WooCommerce hosting companies listed and compared. As mentioned before, there are numerous online options available, but we have narrowed it down to five for this comparison. Our first pick is SiteGround.

SiteGround: StartUp, GrowBig and GoGeek

SiteGround is a widely recognized WooCommerce hosting provider across the globe, frequently recommended to those who wish to build a WordPress and/or WooCommerce website. It’s quite common to spot SiteGround participating in WordCamps, which are live events promoted by the WordPress community.

Let’s begin by analyzing the points highlighted earlier:

  • Security: SiteGround has been providing secure services for several years now. It employs advanced IDS and IPS systems to shield against potential attacks and updates its security regularly through ModSecurity. Additionally, SiteGround provides free SSL with all three packages, ensuring your website is always protected.
  • Speed: At the time of writing this article, SiteGround has eleven data centers — four in the United States, five in Europe (Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands), one in Singapore, and one in Sydney. Thanks to their location, for example, they can offer great performance in Italy, although not a huge amount of web space (their most expensive package includes 40 GB). But that’s not a problem for small and medium-sized eCommerce businesses.
  • Specialization: As previously noted, SiteGround places great emphasis on its relationship with WooCommerce, and this is reflected in the high level of assistance they provide. We can expect their support to exceed the norm. 
  • Cost: The basic cost of their packages is $17.99/month for StartUp, $29.99/month for GrowBig, and $44.99/month for GoGeek. While these costs aren’t the lowest in the industry, it’s worth noting that the first billing period often comes with steep discounts of up to 84% ($2.99/month for StartUp, $4.99/month for GrowBig, and $7.99/month for GoGeek).  

To sum it up, we’re discussing a highly regarded service that’s very affordable for new users of WooCommerce. It’s a great option for those just starting out. However, it’s important to note that the storage space and renewal cost may need to be considered.

HostGator: continuous support for your business

HostGator is a familiar name in the WordPress and WooCommerce world, and they have specific packages designed for this CMS. Let’s explore what HostGator can offer to its users:

  • Security: HostGator, like SiteGround, provides its users with free SSL on all plans, along with CodeGuard, which handles daily backups, and automatic malware removal, among other features.
  • Speed: HostGator has data centers in the United States, with locations in Houston and Provo. This might not be the best option for those who want to sell only in Italy, but it might work for international traffic. It also offers unlimited space for sites, but this must comply with the policy for shared servers. They offer unlimited bandwidth in their three plans and 20 GB, 40 GB, or 100 GB SSD space depending on the plan chosen.
  • Specialization: If you’re keen on WordPress, you’ll be pleased to know that there’s ample support available. That includes complimentary installation of WordPress and hassle-free site migration if you’re moving from another hosting provider.
  • Cost: Like SiteGround, HostGator offers a discount on first-time purchases, but renewal is more expensive. New customers can get 77% off on the Baby Plan for a total of $3.50/month on the first term, 74% off the Business Plan at $5.25/month, and 48% off the Pro Plan at $13.95/month. 

To sum it up, HostGator continues to be an outstanding hosting provider despite being decentralized. We’re optimistic about the possibility of new data centers opening up in various parts of the globe in the future.

Bluehost: hosting for eCommerce and Marketplace

As WordPress highly recommends BlueHost as a hosting provider, we found it necessary to incorporate it into our comparative analysis without leaving any crucial details out.

One great aspect of this WooCommerce hosting system is how it offers different plans catered to specific needs. There’s a plan for online stores and another for marketplaces. If you’re not familiar with the term, a marketplace is an eCommerce platform where multiple users can sell their products. Some popular examples of marketplaces include eBay, Etsy, and Amazon.

Let’s see what it offers to its users:

  • Security: Bluehost is providing another opportunity to benefit from free SSL on both of its plans. In addition to this, new sellers can avail the SiteLock Security suite, which is highly valuable.
  • Speed: Bluehost has data centers in the USA, India, and China. Europe is decentralized so many use these servers without any problems. 
  • Specialization: As previously mentioned, Bluehost is highly valued by the WordPress community. They even provide automatic updates for the platform and support from YITH, along with several included plugins.
  • Cost: The first year is discounted, then it’s full price. The price for the Online Store plan is $26.99/month ($9.95/month for the first year), while the price for the Online Store + Marketplace solution is $39.95/month ($12.95/month for the first year). 

To sum it up, Bluehost is a great choice for your online store due to its strategically located data centers and special attention to the requirements of WooCommerce sellers. It comes at a similar cost to the SiteGround WooCommerce hosting and shares many similarities with it.

InMotion Hosting: four levels of high performance

To add another provider to our comparison, we decided to increase the standards and the associated expenses a bit. Let’s discuss InMotion, which offers four distinct hosting plans for WooCommerce:

  • Security: InMotion stands out as a highly secure hosting provider in the market, providing robust protection against hacking and malware attacks, along with advanced firewall, free SSL and DDoS protection, and dedicated IP addresses.
  • Speed: There are two data centers in the U.S. (one on the West Coast in California and one on the East Coast in Virginia) plus one in France. The use of NVMe SSD on almost all hosting plans is great news for the speed of your site (from 100GB for the lowest plan up to unlimited resources for the other plans). It’s a good option for anyone interested in selling in the U.S. 
  • Specialization: In order to be a WooCommerce hosting plan, InMotion has made it a priority to assign multiple PHP workers to each site, implement an enhanced caching system (W3 Total Cache) that is perfect for SEO, and provide dedicated resources through the Cloud. This way, they ensure their clients receive the best possible service.
  • Cost: InMotion has been investing in WordPress and WooCommerce hosting for a while now, and they’ve recently introduced cloud solutions as well. This hosting service has a range of prices, starting from $9/month for the “UltraStack 1GB RAM” solution which is ideal only for development sites. There are eight solutions in total, with the most expensive being the “UltraStack 16GB RAM” plan at $128/month. 

This service was quite popular, but it may have been penalized to some extent for focusing mainly on the U.S. market. Nevertheless, it remains a good choice for a large number of eCommerce businesses.

DreamHost: a dream hosting

Lastly, we’ll discuss DreamHost, a platform that provides exclusive hosting plans specifically designed for WooCommerce and continuous specialized assistance from WordPress and WooCommerce professionals.

Lets see the details of what it offers:

  • Security: Once more, every package comes with free SSL certificate that is already installed, and users can easily create backups and restore them with just one click. The staging system is also user-friendly and easy to navigate. Additionally, there is a malware removal tool and ModSecurity for added security measures.
  • Speed: In comparison to InMotion, they use SSD for data storage on a smaller scale. They have one data center in Virginia and another one in Oregon so we can say these locations favor users in the U.S. 
  • Specialization: In this comparison, we have highlighted three packages that are specifically tailored for WooCommerce. The upcoming analysis will focus on their pricing, but it’s worth noting that these hosting options are optimized for eCommerce, ensuring top-notch performance for your online store.
  • Costs: In an effort to keep up with its competitors, DreamHost is currently running a promotion for all packages that offers savings of 20% to 29% for the first year. It’s important to note that after the first year, the renewal will be at full price.
    • The basic package, DreamPress, is offered at a cost of $19.99 USD/month (discounted to $16.95/month).
    • The intermediate package, DreamPress Plus, comes at a cost of $28.99/month (discounted to $24.95/month).
    • The advanced package, DreamPress Pro, costs $74.99/month (discounted to $71.95/month).
dreamhost hosting

To take advantage of these prices, it’s important to note that they are exclusively available for annual subscriptions. Monthly subscriptions, on the other hand, come with higher costs.


Can I use generic WordPress hosting plans for WooCommerce or should I choose a specific service?

If you’re using WooCommerce as a WordPress plugin, you shouldn’t face any issues with hosting. However, it is advisable to focus on WooCommerce hosting providers to make the most of tailored features and optimal performance for your eCommerce needs.

What are the advantages of using specific WordPress hosting plans for WooCommerce?

Experience better assistance, quicker website loading time, effortless WordPress setup (in most cases), the provision of one or several email addresses, a secure SSL certificate, user-friendly operating systems, and additional features that will enhance your online experience.

What are the costs associated with using WordPress hosting for WooCommerce?

The cost of services can differ greatly, with some starting as low as $10 USD/month and others going over $100/month. Typically, the average price for a WooCommerce hosting plan falls within the range of $20-30/month.

What are the scalability options available with WordPress hosting for WooCommerce?

Every service has its unique characteristics, but when it comes to WooCommerce hosting plans, scalability is given significant importance. If you want the highest level of scalability, it is recommended to increase your budget and opt for Cloud solutions. This will ensure that your online store is capable of handling an enormous amount of traffic and growth.

Can I use WordPress hosting for WooCommerce if I already have an existing WordPress site?

Yes, the majority of hosting providers have a site relocation facility which is made possible by the inherent features of WordPress.

What backup options are available with WordPress hosting for WooCommerce?

When it comes to selecting a service, you typically have the option of opting for backups on a daily, weekly, or as-needed basis.

What are the main advantages of using WooCommerce for my online store?

Creating a store using WooCommerce is simple to set up, cost-effective and provides ample room for customization.

What is a server and what is a web server?

When it comes to hosting a website, the server is the physical location where it is hosted. The web server, on the other hand, is the software that runs on that server and manages all the requests to display different pages. So, while they work together, it’s important to understand the distinction between the two.

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