The curtain has fallen and the Web Marketing Festival – 2018 edition is over. We want to share our experience of the event with you.
This was the second time we decided to participate this yearly amazing event and we are happy for doing this.
The Web Marketing Festival is the biggest Italian event devoted to the digital world and is able to convey such an energy that is not easy to understand if you do not take part in it personally.
Many were the people who came to our booth moved by the wish to meet us and learn more about what YITH is and what’s behind it.
Additionally we realized, to our greatest delight, that after one year, our company popularity in the Web Marketing Festival had increased, and this is thanks to the fact that we participated last year as well.
Many of those who first met us last year were happy to come to the booth and to express their satisfaction with the products we offer and our daily work.
We can’t imagine a better reward than a customer who is satisfied with our work: this both pleases us and drives us to aim high and improve constantly.
Those who know us know that our in-target events are the WordCamps, which are entirely focussed on WordPress.
Attending the Web Marketing Festival is, however, a confirmation of how fast WordPress is growing and how much it is widespreadly used in all digital fields and above all in the web marketing one.
So, during the event, you find yourself talking to WooCommerce experts but also with bloggers who are winking at the e-commerce world.
And the cherry on top was seeing dozens of attendees wearing our T-shirt move among the tracks and conference rooms. This filled our heart with joy. 🙂
Our gadget was a hit on the social networks.
Our evaluation of 2018 edition of the event is extremely positive.
We are happy we participated and we took the occasion to show the human faces behind YITH, as not only there is code at YITH, but people with a great will to have fun and build a community.