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A new login & register plugin to reduce the cart abandonment rate

We at YITH take statistics seriously, really.

Especially when they are about e-commerce and conversions.

So, you can imagine our disappointment when we discovered that 35% of e-customers abandon the cart and do not finalise the purchase because they are forced to create an account.

People want to buy, but this process has to be easy and quick. If they have to stop to fill out a form with an incredibly high number of fields, they will start thinking twice about the purchase. They will ask themselves if they really need that product, the dopamine value will drop down, and they will start getting a sense of guilt for their impulsive action.

And then boom! Cart is abandoned. That’s just the way things go.

Well, these statistics were tormenting us and we were wondering what we could have done to avoid it. First of all, what could we do for ourselves, for our own business? After all, YITH is an e-commerce shop. It goes without saying that the nightmare of cart abandonment is something that causes us great concern.

Secondly, we were struggling to find a tool to contain the issue and that could be shared with our customers too.

How could we simplify the login and registration process? Make it so easy that it would not annoy any customers during the purchase?

And also: how could we reduce the frustration of those scatterbrained returning customers that found themselves bound to leave the checkout process and set up a new password for their account?

The answer was as simple as that: we could, yes, but only with a plugin.

We worked out a solution that could streamline this process, and for that, we took inspiration from big and sound e-commerce stores like Etsy and Amazon. We carried out a usability test, designed a smart interface in every single step and mapped the whole user journey: this took us to the release of the new plugin YITH Easy Login & Register for WooCommerce.

What is it about?

It is a charming-designed modal window that allows your customers to log in or register during the checkout and to split the process into two simple steps with the aim of improving the usability and simplify things to the final user.

How does it work, practically?

It’s easy. During the first step, the user will only have to enter an account name or an email address. As an alternative, they can log in with Facebook or Google, and this is an option that most customers do really appreciate.

If the user has an existing account in your e-commerce, the next step will be to enter the password; if it’s a new account, they simply have to set a new password and proceed to the checkout. In both cases, the second step will ask them to enter a password, nothing else. Quick and easy.

And what if the email is the right one but the customer forgot the password?

No drama.

With one click, they will receive a code in their email and use it to set up a new password, still from the same modal window, without leaving the checkout process, ever.

Just one more click and they can finally pay. It’s impossible to make it easier than this. Guaranteed!

With YITH Easy Login & Register you can activate a usable, modern and attractive interface and guarantee a fluid registration, login and password recovery process for your customers.

All this during the checkout process to reduce the cart abandonment rate considerably, but there’s still more: thanks to the CSS selectors, you will be able to use this modal window in other places in your e-commerce store. Just to give an example, you can show it also when the user clicks on the classic “Login/register” button in your website header.

Do you still have doubts?

Take a look at the product page or test the plugin demo!

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