Yes, we know it. It’s not politically correct to start with such a title. Above all when the objective of the article is to celebrate successes… and not to simply tell them. But don’t we have to say how things are going? Don’t we have to be happy and share this happiness with you because the 96% of our clients is more than satisfied of our support?
It wouldn’t be fair for us. And it wouldn’t be fair even more for those as Van Huynh who opens his ticket addressing to Nicola with sentences as “Hi my handsome and intelligent prince”. Or for Webtoday2 who classifies our support as the first one in absolute. Or even for Boojay, who literally defines our support as “impressive”. And let’s even talk about Audieswu, who quotes our boys (Nicola and Antonino), as the most reactive supporter he has ever met. Or even Piero who is so enthusiastic about our work that he insisted in sending us some fine chocolate directly from Switzerland, where he lives.
We are made of big and small emotions. And with a public like you, believe us, or heart is more and more surrounded by a strong adrenaline rush. Clients’ support sector has never been so passionate and engaging as it has become for our team at YIThemes.
But let’s speak about numbers.
Our clients satisfaction rate
Let’s do some evaluations, considering the last three months of work. In April we received 2163 new tickets. Among these, 95% (meaning 2055 persons) declared they were satisfied of our support.
The average first answer time has been 22 hours.
We are in front of really interesting numbers. 95% of satisfied clients is a result objectively high if compared with the average of the sector (at least 10 points).
But, our boys knew they can do better. And in May they did it.
Here you can read May’s data:
– 2208 new tickets (enhanced of 45 if compared to April)
– 96% of satisfied clients (+65 satisfied persons if compared to April)
– 15,4 average hours to receive the first answer (and here we have had an extraordinary improvement of response time.
Also in June, data are positive and satisfying. There has been a ticket raise, but the satisfaction’s level of our clients didn’t change.
Let’s see the numbers:
– 2225 new tickets ( enhanced of 17 if compared to May)
– 96% of satisfied clients (+17 satisfied persons if compared to May)
– 16,8 average hours to receive the first answer, less performing of previous month, but even predictable, due to the fact that some members of the team were on holiday during this period.
The new three-months period is in progress. So we will talk about it next time.
Well. At this point, we can try to review what we have done. The support works well. Nicola is a star. And all the other members of the team try to do their best to be “handsome and intelligent princes” as him or to have some good chocolate to share with the satisfaction normally caused by a genuine and true gift as the one Piero sent us.
Where will all this lead us? Who will be the next favourite one of our community? Will our heroes be able to overcome the 96% of satisfaction rating to try to think about, in the next future, something that will be close to a chubby and round 100%? Considering the latest feedback, we can be optimist.
Let’s close the cheerfulness tone we had at the beginning of this article. We are happy. Furthermore, a company which succeeds in turning the support’s section – usually boring and hard – into a kind of exclusive fan club of people who enjoy setting themes and share friendly and lovely words, can only be happy of the results achieved.
But now, let’s go to work. There are new tickets to clear out!