In every single article I write I tend to stress out how the attention to details may mean the difference between success and failure for online businness.
All of those who sell online products have searched “How to increase sales on my online store” on Google at least once in their life.
And they all found the same answers: marketing campaigns, ads, investing money etc.
The solution is often right before our eyes but we are too busy looking at the horizon to even notice it.
I know it’s always best to test things personally and have concrete examples, for this reason I’m going to use this article to talk about Max’s customer and how he incremented the sales on his store by 25%.
Let’s go back 14 months. Max is a long time customer of ours – one of the first to buy from Ythemes, a beta-tester for our products and a “friend”, even though just a online one, and he owns a Web Agency in New Zeland. One day we were having a chat and he mentions he got a call from a potential customer about creating a website for the purpouse of selling an online Yoga video course.
His customer was a well known instructor in his area and, as it often happens, he decided to extend his activity through online market.
A yoga video course could be a blessing for all of those who were willing to try out this discipline and kept putting it off for lack of time or opportunities.
So, Max created the website following his customer’s directives setting up several different kind of courses according to different people’s needs, course length and exercise difficulty
After this job was completed, Max went back to his other customers and websites.
Five months later he received an email from the yoga instructor asking for help. In the message, he requested paid advice to help him understand why the sales on his website were not improving.
Max accepted, accessed the website and begun studying it, noting down all that was good and all that needed improving.
Clearly the website was being handled by somebody with little experience, which was noticeable by spelling mistakes and ads popping out of nowhere.
One thing was particularly bad though: the website looked abandoned.
The instructor told him his customers were enthusiastic about his service, that his course was highly appreciated… where were the reviews then?
There were no stars underneath each course description, no comment, no opinion.
Max was a competent worker, he had read that most customers read reviews before proceeding to buy a product online, so he decided – after asking us for advice on a live chat – to use a plugin of ours in order to improve this situation: Review for Discounts.
This plugin has a very simple use: each time a customer leaves a review on a product they bought from your store, they receive a discount voucher they can use for their next purchase.
By doing so, Max tried to encourage customers to leave a review and use their voucher for further purchases.
He then waited a couple of weeks while monitoring sales, and things started happening: positive reviews started to appear and about ten discount vouchers were used.
“It’s a miracle!” the instructor claimed, but Max knew it still wasn’t enough.
Max thought, and time proved him right, that most customers still did not have an actual reason to leave a review or simply forgot about it. So he decided to remind them, using a secondary plugin: Review Reminder
This plugin also has a simple use just like the previous one: every time a customer purchases a monthly subscription he receives an email reminding him to leave a review in order to get a discount voucher.
Max scheduled for the emails to be sent two weeks after a customer’s purchase, which was the time span most customers used to complete their first video course.
And just like that, as two gentle breezes joining forces and creating a strong wind, the combined action of these two plugins increased their effectiveness.
Two weeks from then, results started to show up, reviews increased in number and new customers started to arrive.
Now you know what I meant about the relevance of details. In case your businness is stagnant, start from small details and let your most dedicated customers speak for you: the results might be surprising!
P.s. This one goes out for you, Max. You owe us one!