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YITH WooCommerce Compare: New Free Plugin Released

Your ecommerce website is really full of products, you have lots of amazing items in it and your website visitors are increasing day after day. The layout is cool, the graphic and images entertaining, but the navigation may be complicated for users who are uncertain and undecided upon which product to purchase, because there are several similar products among which they can choose. What can you do to simplify your users life and to increase the traffic and engagement of the public on your site?

Simple answer: download our new YITH WooCommerce Compare Plugin!

YITH WooCommerce Compare Plugin is an extension of the WooCommerce plugin and it allows your users to compare the products of your shop they like most and are willing to purchase. All products are stored and saved in one complete table where users can see the differences between the products they have selected.

Among the main features on our e-commerce plugin, an extension of WooCommerce, there is the “Compare” feature, where you can also see a Price Comparison of the selected products.

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With this new plugin you can customize the CSS, entering your code in a simple custom CSS field, you can edit colors to customize the plugin with the style of your website and you can even customize the background with a few simple clicks.

Installation and Configuration

Once you have uploaded the plugin, activate your plugin in Plugins > Installed plugins.

This plugin will work only if WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce is installed and active.


YITH WooCommerce Compare Plugin enables the user to compare two or more products in your ecommerce website. To do so, it compares the attributes set on WooCommerce for those particular products and by default it adds the “Compare” button in the shop page and in the single product’s detail page.


When you click on the button, it appears a popup window with the products users wish to compare. By default also, after having clicked the “Compare” button, the plugin will open a popup windows with the compare table of the selected products.


All settings can be changed as shown in the table below.


With the YITH Compare Plugin, you have also the possibility to show a widget in the sidebar of WordPress to display the products added in the Compare List by the user.

You can add the widget in Appearance > Widgets and it’s called “YITH WooCommerce Compare”.

You can’t definitely miss it: it is free, so you have no excuses! Download it for free now! Or learn more about why you should give users the possibility to compare products!

Download live

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